9th Annual University Research Conferrence Program Mobile | Page 28

Christine Hanft Implementing Mindfulness Techniques to Help Elementary Students Manage Stress During the School Day Students across all grade levels experience varying levels of stress throughout the school day which can greatly impact their socialemotional and academic learning . Due to this impact , there is an increasing need for school counselors to support students with stress management techniques . One emerging technique that helps students manage stress throughout the day is mindfulness training . This study will investigate if a 4-session small group for 4th-grade students using mindfulness techniques results in a decrease in stress levels of the participants .
Heather High-Kennedy + The Relationship Between the Frequency of Teacher-to-Student Communication and the Retention , Grades , and Pass Rates of At-Risk , Secondary Cyber Students Guided by the Community of Inquiry and Ethic of Care frameworks , the purpose of this study was to investigate whether the frequency of teacher-tostudent communication would correlate with the retention , grades , and pass rates of at-risk students in a secondary cyber school . Quantitative data for three consecutive school years were collected through the archived communication logs of sixteen teachers , as well as student academic and retention records , which were stored in the school ’ s Student Information System ( SIS ). A statistically significant correlation was found between the frequency of the teachers ’ communication and “ D ” grades for their at-risk students .
Occupational Therapy
Ayca Arig , Abigail Comins , Kelly Fagan , Laura Marmion , Rhiannon McNamara , and Roberta Slawinski + Creating Connections : Reducing Stress through Belonging for Domestic Violence Survivors This research study aims to improve the overall health and well-being of women experiencing domestic violence by providing activities promoting a sense of belonging to a community and thus reducing stress . The research study design was a quantitative within-group pre-test and post-test . Although the study ’ s results indicated no statistically significant difference between pre-test and post-test scores for stress and belonging , both participants ’ results on the perceived stress scale decreased from pre-test to post-test , indicating that their stress did decrease after our program .