9th Annual University Research Conferrence Program Mobile | Page 23

Kaylee Gonzalez and Araceli Trejo How Does Music Impact College Students ’ Internalized Behaviors ? We will examine the relationship between the musical preferences of college students and their self-reported mood . We anticipate finding a relationship between the type of musical preference students have and their mood . Through a self-report survey , participants will respond to questions regarding genres of music and the impact music preference has on their mood and behavior . The discussion will focus on if listening to specific genres of music will affect the way a student feels , behaves , and responds . Bella Iadonisi , Taylor Pagan , Alyssa Yiaski The Relationship Between Stress Level and Pain The purpose of our research study is to examine the correlation between stress and physical pain . Additionally , we will explore if specific pain experiences ( e . g ., headaches , stomachaches ) are more impacted by stress than others or if pain experienced in specific areas of the body are more impacted by stress . These topics will be explored by the recruitment of participants through surveys circulated on social media and in classrooms at Gwynedd Mercy University .
Roji John The Healing Benefits of Creativity : A Journey to Mental Wellness This presentation will examine creativity and mental health . A wide range of creative expression will be explored , including writing , music , and painting . Reflections from individuals for whom creative expression is important to their life and well-being will be shared . Discussion will focus on how everyone can use creative expression to support positive coping and mental health .
Christi McCabe + Do You Want to Be a Positive Psychology Insider ? This presentation will explore the field of positive psychology . Positive psychology focuses on human strengths instead of weaknesses . This method offers optimistic promises of increased happiness and well-being without having to dig deep into past traumas . Specifically , I will be focusing on what the discipline of positive psychology brings to the table , how it differs from traditional methods , how it judged by the outside world and psychology insiders , and why – despite the optimistic promises of happiness and well-being – it has not become the focus of study for all psychologists .