9th Annual University Research Conferrence Program Mobile | Page 20

Tarria Brown + The Mind of an Athlete This presentation will raise awareness of the importance of maintaining mental health for athletes . Findings from research on athletes and mental health will be combined with reflections from coaches and other individuals involved in athletics at the college level . The development of a workshop to raise awareness and access to mental health resources for college athletes will also be discussed .
Tarria Brown and Charlotte Walker + Sexual Relationships This presentation will explore why men and women are perceived differently for having the same amount of sexual partners . We hypothesize that women will be perceived more negatively than men for engaging in sexual encounters . In order to assess this , participants will be asked to read a series of vignettes describing various sexual relationship scenarios and asked to indicate the level to which they approve or agree with the behaviors . By alternating the gender in the vignettes , we are hoping to illustrate how gender influences participant ratings .
Miranda Castillo The Psychology of Cultural Traditions : Illustrations from Irish Dance Throughout history , humans have engaged in cultural traditions and rituals . This presentation will explore the personal and emotional experience of participating in these types of activities , specifically focused on collective performance . Discussion will consider these ideas in the context of reflections from participants in an Irish Dance group .
Miranda Castillo and Jenna Vince + Suicidal Thoughts , Behaviors , and Tendencies in College Students Athletes This presentation will share findings from a research study designed to examine suicide amongst young adults , specifically college students participating in athletics . The goal is to examine data collected from self-report surveys where participants will answer questions regarding demographics , depression , and suicidality . Discussion will focus on if participating in college athletics is a protective factor for suicidality , as well as if there are specific demographic characteristics impacting suicidal thoughts , behaviors and tendencies . Given past work , we suspect that findings will show reduced suicidal thoughts and depression among those who participate in sports .