9th Annual University Research Conferrence Program Mobile | Page 11

Gavin Greenley * Mary Shelley ’ s “ Frankenstein ” and Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) and Mary Shelley ’ s 1818 novel Frankenstein are often compared in terms of the themes they explore . Both AI and Dr . Frankenstein ’ s monster raise ethical questions about the creation of life and the responsibility of the creator . In Frankenstein , the character Victor Frankenstein creates a monster that ultimately causes him great suffering and guilt . Similarly , the creation of advanced AI raises questions about unintended consequences that may arise from these technologies and who is responsible for them . This research explores the similarities between AI and Dr . Frankenstein ’ s monster and the possible consequences of selfishness and scientific inexperience .
Roji John Artificial Intelligence and Ethics Artificial intelligence ( AI ) is increasingly becoming a part of our everyday lives . While these technologies offer many benefits , they also present moral and ethical dilemmas . Lack of transparency , privacy concerns , bias , and possible misuse are just some of the problems associated with AI . This research addresses some of the ethical consequences associated with AI . Also explored are current laws and proposed safety measures to address privacy concerns and accountability . Finally , the potential long-term effects of unfriendly AI technologies which do not adhere to moral standards or human values will be discussed .
Abraham Ketter * Computer Vision This research will explore computer vision and its applications . Traditional computer vision and deep learning-based computer vision are the two broad categories into which computer vision algorithms can be divided . While deep learning-based computer vision uses neural networks to learn features and generate predictions , traditional computer vision depends on manually created features and algorithms . With new discoveries and advancements being produced frequently , the field of computer vision is rapidly developing and progressing . With contributions from computer science , mathematics , physics , and engineering , it is an interdisciplinary field .
Kevin Kirschenmann * Malware Analysis Malware forensics is a branch of digital forensics concerned with the analysis of malicious code . Malware can be defined as software that is intentionally designed to cause damage , gain unauthorized access , steal data , or leak sensitive information . This research project will describe what malware is , the damage it can cause , and how to locate it . After explaining the different stages of an attack , how an investigator examines the code to determine how it entered the system , its payload , origin , and who is responsible will be discussed .