With business taking off, Christina knew it was
time for professional branding— but as a
student on a budget, she didn’t know where to
start. That’s when a friend recommended
outsourcing to another creative community for
her logo, 99designs. Turns out, the collaborative
process was the perfect fit and Christina
walked away with an adorable new logo!
Shit That
I Knit
Meet Christina. Christina loves to knit. But she’s
not particularly fond of giving things away for free.
So while in college, she launched a website to sell
her high-end, hand-knit (ahem) stuff… and
demand quickly accelerated. When she ran out of
inventory over the holiday season, she realized she
needed production help. So, on a whim, she
turned to her Instagram followers and asked if
anyone would want to join the STIK team. To her
amazement, her inbox was flooded with applications within a few days. And today, a community
of 30 knitters plays a central role in the company’s
So what’s next? Although the company started
small it’s now grown into a full-fledged
business with a mission to share more than just
high-end accessories.
“We want to inspire others to pick up the
craft and fall in love with it as much as we
have!” You heard the lady: Get out and