Designer since:
Designer since:
When I won my first contest I
knew: That’s it, this is what I
want to do.
Being a part of 99designs is
stimulating because every day is
a new design contest.
Jelena worked for a small web design
Sabina describes her style as “pictorial,
agency during college as a coder, not a
crazy, surrealistic, excessive, provocative,
designer. After college she started her job
and surprising.” While Sabina has an
search and in the meantime, followed a
artist’s heart, she also loves the technical
friend’s advice to check out 99designs.
aspect of design. After graduating from
Jelena thought it looked like a game at
school, she worked for Rome’s National
first and despite her lack of formal
Research Council where they studied the
training, decided to give it a try while she
perception of color for blind people
looked for a “real” job.
through music. When she’s not on
99designs, she works as a technical
Persistence pays off. It took 33 contests
designer doing bidimensional and
for Jelena to land her first win. After that,
tridimensional design for engineers.
the wins started rolling in, to the point
that she abandoned her job search and
Sabina was drawn to 99designs because
devoted all of her time to sharpening her
she wanted international experience and it
designing skills. Two years later, she used
also allowed her to learn new styles, new
her 99d portfolio to land a design job with
tastes and new ways to express her ideas.
an agency based out of San Diego,
Now that’s a go getter!