99 Stories | Page 54

Name by DiegoCayz Timo Hahn Company wydr Though Timo and Matthias started the company in Zurich, it’s become a global platform founded on the principles of art. We’d swipe right! When wydr participated in Zurich’s Startup Weekend, they received a first prize voucher for 99designs — which is what brought them to the platform. But what initially For the love of art! Matthias Dorner and started as a logo design competition grew Timo Hahn are revolutionizing the world of into something bigger when Matthias and finding and buying art by creating an app Timo realized they could design their entire that’s “the Tinder of the art world.” wydr app on 99designs! The end result is a sleek brings together artists and art-lovers in the app and a corresponding logo that prove art form of a digital gallery that promotes + technology = love. communication between disciplines.