Dian Wahyuningrum
Designer since:
Designer since:
Design makes life easy and
An amazing opportunity to
introduce students and future
designers to the profession.
Like many professional designers, Dian
Edi disproves of the old adage that “those
discovered her passion for drawing when
who can’t do, teach.” Edi does both, and he
she was very young –only five years old.
does them very well. In addition to running
Fortunately for 99designs clients, she
his own design studio and working with
never outgrew this love. In college, Dian
99designs, Edi teaches graphic design at
went on to study both Product and
the West University of Timisoara, Romania.
Fashion Design. After graduation, she
He uses 99d to fill what he believes a big
opened her own clothing line, as well as a
gap in education. “A lot of students finish
small creative studio.
school and find themselves thrown into the
real world with no understanding of how it
For Dian, design isn’t about the money.
works,” he explains. “A few 99designs
“Designing makes me happy,” she
contests help introduce the young
explains. “I get happy seeing how far I can
designers to concepts such as deadlines,
push myself and improve my skills. She
competition, understanding feedback and
urges new designers to select contests
client peculiarities.” So, he has his
that closely match their skills and to
students create 99design accounts, study
remember that non-winning designs can
creative briefs and enter contests. “It’s an
still enhance a portfolio.
amazing experience and opportunity to
learn about the world and about