Dan Vencatachellum
Designer since:
Designer since:
My goal is to leave a proud legacy
for the generations that will
99designs has made me a better
Dan’s life sounds like a fairy tale: Living on
Unlike some designers who found their
a tiny island with beautiful beaches,
way to graphic design through more
working from home in the mornings,
circuitous routes, Kenneth Olympia went
attending bible school in the afternoon,
direct with a degree in Advertising. It
with plenty of time left to fish and pursue
wasn’t until he got a job in graphic design
other hobbies. That’s a life almost any
that he learned how to apply his skills to
freelancer would gladly aspire to. Working
the computer screen.
with 99designs, Dan actually did it.
Kenneth found 99designs while working
Under family pressures to choose a career,
full-time at a design company. The work
Dan decided to study civil engineering.
and platform appealed to him, as did the
But he quickly realized that his passion
flexibility, but he was hesitant. After all, he
lay elsewhere. He had learned the basics
had a family to support. But he finally took
of graphic design in high school and
the plunge and never looked back. His
decided to give it a try. That’s what
favorite part of the job? The variety in the
brought him to 99designs, where he
work he receives, and the ability to
participated in contests and developed
showcase his designs to a global audience,
his own style of modern design with a
all without sacrificing family time. Who
vintage flare. Now he runs his own studio,
wouldn’t love that?
UTC Designs.