contest for Biscuit Life’s brand identity with the title
“Calling all dog lovers,” Platinum designer and fellow
dog-lover Creative HArt immediately jumped on the
opportunity. It was a match from the start. “I felt really
confident that I could trust Diana when after my
exclamations about how much I loved the logo, she
insisted I don’t make any quick decisions. She said
that if I decided to pick her design, it should be done
after seeing all the submissions with no regrets,”
recalls Amanda.
Creative HArt
Biscuit Life
Designer since
In fact, Amanda was so impressed by Diana that they
kept talking after the contest had long wrapped up.
The theme of the movie “Must Love
Dogs” rings true for both Amanda
Olafsson and designer Diana Dumitru,
otherwise known as Creative HArt, who
found friendship on the 99designs
platform through their mutual love of
The two bonded over their mutual appreciation for
four-legged friends and, in June 2015, Amanda went
so far as to visit Diana in Romania! “Meeting Diana at
the airport was more like meeting an old friend than
meeting for the first time,” says Amanda. The two
spent eight days hiking through the mountains of
Bucharest, visiting historical cities, and Diana even
taught Amanda how to cook traditional Romanian
dishes. “Amanda is now my best friend although we
Amanda started Biscuit Life Compan-
live on different continents,” says Diana. “We Skype
ion in April 2015, a blog that focuses on
often, we share every little detail of our lives, we get
life-planning and productivity for
along like we are sisters.” Seems like this friendship is
dog-owners. When Amanda launched a
more than just puppy love!