99 Stories | Page 22

by g3mrk Name Dan Ford Just like Tim Tams, vegemite and kangaroos, beef jerky is popular Down Under. So much so that Australian-native Dan Ford has been perfecting his own recipe since the age of 13. But he never thought he would make a Company Bald Rock Beef Jerky living out of it. Instead, Dan pursued a career as a lawyer and made jerky in his spare time for family and friends. Well, until his hungry fans encouraged him to take the jerky off the back-burner and into the retail environment. One Kickstarter campaign and 722 backers later, Bald Rock Beef Jerky was born! otherwise have been able to enter. One year With three to four different brands of beef on we have nearly 100 retailers, a very jerky competing side-by-side in any given successful market tent set up every Australian convenience store, Dan knew he weekend at the very popular Eat Street needed his product to stand out. He turned Markets in Brisbane, several employees and to 99designs for product packaging that an office headquarters.” Not to mention Bald would grab consumers of all demographics, Rock won both the Tenterfield Agricultural and our designers didn’t disappoint. “Having Business of the Year award and the quality professional packaging designed has Innovation Business of the Year award — opened up lots of markets that I would not that’s some perky jerky!