Dizziness Design
adilu studio
Designer since:
Designer since:
99designs offers opportunities all
over the world that I could never
reach on my own.
99designs makes me better every
François’s passion for graphic design
As a child, Estefanía Sanz dreamed of
began with an obsession for fonts.
being a cartoonist for Disney and you can
Although his heart was in graphic design,
see that early influence in the fun
Francois studied industrial design in
character illustrations she incorporates
school, and now creates everything from
into almost all of her designs. Graphic
furniture to sound design. Francois owns
design lets her bring her creativity to life.
his own company, Dizziness Design, with
As Estefania explains, “Design makes me
international clients from a wide range of
reach interesting ideas, and I’m able to
locations, from Paris to Brussels.
continue my passion of drawing.”
François discovered 99designs in his
Estefania discovered 99designs through
quest for more international clients [