99 - all you should know about the Genocide April, 2014 | Page 20

First Model of the Memorial Complex Model of the Vardan Mamikonyan Monument Genocide. The letter bore the signatures of T. “The anti-revolutionar y, nationalist Dashnak- Aghayan, the Director of the Armenian branch tsutyun party is preparing to use the issue in of the Marxism-Leninism Institute, H. Inchikyan, ever y way possible in order to foment anti- the Director of the Oriental Studies Sector of the Soviet feelings. With their main argument National Academy of Sciences of the Armenian being the fact that the mass slaughter of the SSR, and John Kirakosyan, Deputy Head of the Armenians is not marked in Soviet Armenia, Ideology Section of the Armenian Communist the Dashnaks are insisting that people are Party Central Committee. This document presents indifferent in our countr y to the cause of the details of the genocide against the Armenians the hundreds of thousands of our innocent perpetrated in Ottoman Turkey and the policy of compatriots who were killed at the hands of extermination of the Armenians. It then notes that the Turkish monsters. They present this as an the Armenians deported from their motherland objective justification of the policy of genocide. are preparing to mark the fiftieth anniversary of We think that maintaining silence on the 50 th this occasion widely abroad. anniversar y of the mass slaughter of Armenians