9468_2024_Product_Catalogue_Final | Page 39

Annual and perennial broadleaf postemergence control in cereal crops . All-in-one formulated product . Proven performance on broadleaf weeds like cleavers , kochia , and Canada thistle . Excellent crop safety .
Fluroxypyr ( 77g / L ) - Group 4 , MCPA Ester ( 210g / L ) - Group 4 , Clopyralid ( 60g / L ) - Group 4
CROPS Wheat ( spring , winter and durum ), spring barley and oats .
Simplicity™ , Assert 300 SC , Everest 70 WDG or Everest Solupak 70 DF , Puma Advance ( DO NOT USE THESE TANK MIXES ON OATS ).
Burdock ragweed , Canada thistle ( low infestations ), shepherd ' s purse , cleavers ( 1-8 whorls ), stinkweed , cocklebur , stork ' s-bill ( 1-8 leaf ), field horsetail *, sunflower ( annual ), sunflower ( volunteer ), flax ( volunteer , 1-12 cm ), flixweed ( spring seedling 2-4 leaf ), vetch , kochia **, wild buckwheat ( 1-8 leaf ), lamb ' s-quarters , wild mustard , plantain *, wild radish , prickly lettuce .
* Top growth control only ** Including biotypes resistant to Group 2 herbicides that inhibit the ALS enzyme
APPLICATION RATE 500 ml / acre . One case will treat 40 acres
Re-entry : DO NOT re-enter treated fields for 12 hours . Preharvest Interval : Do not harvest within 60 days after application , or within 7 days after application when harvesting for forage . Grazing : Do not cut or graze treated fields within 7 days after application . Withdraw meat animals from treated fields at least 3 days before slaughter . Rainfast : 6 hours . Re-cropping : Fields previously treated with IPCO STATE can be seeded to wheat , barley , oats and rye ( not under-seeded to forage legumes , clover or alfalfa ), canola , field peas , flax , forage grasses , mustard , or can be summer-fallowed . COMBUSTIBLE . Do not use or store near heat or open flame . If product is frozen , bring to room temperature and agitate before use .
Case : 2 x 10 L
36 Crop Protection
Always read and follow label directions . All products listed are trademarks of their respective companies .