Tackle weeds early with Blitz ® . Added to glyphosate , Blitz provides outstanding pre-seed burn down , summerfallow or post-harvest control of emerged , actively growing grass and broadleaf weeds .
ACTIVE INGREDIENT Florasulam 50 g / L , Group 2
CROPS Barley , oats , wheat , durum or summerfallow .
A wide range of grass and broadleaf weeds . Blitz alone controls or suppresses the weeds listed below , if not resistant to Group 2 herbicides . Applied in a tank mix with glyphosate for enhanced control of weeds .
Controlled : Wild buckwheat , volunteer canola 1 , common chickweed , cleavers , cow cockle , wild mustard , shepherd ’ s- purse , smartweed and stinkweed .
Including herbicide-tolerant canola varieties except Clearfield *.
Suppressed : Hemp-nettle , narrow-leaved hawks-beard , redroot pigweed and sow thistle ( annual and perennial ).
• In spring , tank mix with glyphosate and apply prior to seeding .
• In summer , tank mix with glyphosate and apply to summerfallow fields and seeded the following spring .
• In fall , tank mix with glyphosate and apply to stubble or summerfallow fields after August 1 and prior to freezeup .
TANK MIXES Glyphosate
40 ml / ac ( 100 ml / ha ) and glyphosate at 182.2 g a . e ./ ac ( 450 g a . e ./ ha ) with 10 U . S . gallons of water per acre ( 100 L / ha ).
PACKAGING Case : 4 x 3.2 L
Spring : Blitz herbicide + glyphosate may be applied in the spring prior to seeding and no longer than 48 hours after seeding prior to any crop emergence . Fields treated with Blitz herbicide in the spring may be planted to barley , oats , wheat , durum or summerfallowed .
Summer ( prior to August 1 ): Blitz herbicide + glyphosate may be applied to summerfallow fields and seeded in the following spring to barley , canola , oats , peas or wheat ( including durum ) or summerfallowed .
Summer ( after August 1 ): Blitz herbicide + glyphosate may be applied to summerfallow fields and seeded in the following spring to barley , oats or wheat ( including durum ) or summerfallowed .
Fall : Blitz herbicide + glyphosate may be applied to stubble or summerfallow fields after August 1 and prior to freeze-up and may be seeded to barley , oats or wheat ( including durum ) or summerfallowed .
Do not use in successive years on the same field .
MIXING INSTRUCTIONS 1 . Fill sprayer tank 1 / 2 full of water . 2 . Start sprayer tank agitation . 3 . Add the required amount of Blitz herbicide . 4 . Add tank mix partner and continue to agitate .
5 . Fill the sprayer tank with sufficient water to spray 50 – 100 L of spray mixture per hectare .
6 . Avoid application conditions that can create drift when applying next to sensitive crops ( e . g . canola and legumes ).
7 . Follow sprayer clean-up directions using a recommended tank cleaner .
In rare occasions when the mixing instructions are not followed precisely when using a K-Salt product , flocculation may occur in the tank . This can easily be corrected ; if one of the following products is added to the tank ( after flocculating occurs ) to rectify the situation :
• Ammonium sulphate
20 Crop Protection
Always read and follow label directions . All products listed are trademarks of their respective companies .