Great Britain Hockey has produced this document with a purpose to :
• Share what good coaching looks like in coaching children , club players and talented players
• Identify the support and development opportunities available for those who deliver hockey , based on the role you play
• Navigate your way through the Great Britain Coaching Offer
• Have greater access to the Great Britain Coaching Offer
Good coaching continues to be a cornerstone of people ’ s enjoyment , participation and development in hockey . Be it introducing someone to the game for the first time , working with a club side or engaging with the performance environment across Great Britain , the coach is a critical factor in determining the quality of a player ’ s experience .
Throughout this document we refer to “ coaches ”. By this we mean anyone that supports the delivery of hockey . Whatever your role in our sport ( coaches / parent helpers / young leaders / volunteers ), if we are going to achieve our sports objectives across Great Britain , we need the best coaches possible , who feel valued , supported and rewarded for their contribution to the sport . Additionally , the act of good coaching brings personal development and well-being to the coach themselves .
Great Britain Hockey has an aspirational vision of coaches that inspire more better and happier players and the sport has a desire to unleash the power of coaching through providing innovating and engaging support and development to the people who deliver our sport .
The offer of support and coach development , available for coaches , has grown over the past few years and has been fully aligned to the role the coach plays . As we continue to evolve and grow our offer , ensuring it is accessible and flexible , we want to make it easier for people to access the support , knowledge and skills in delivering fantastic experiences to players .
Why I Coach ?
/// the Volunteers video ///