Role Recommend Other Support
I help out coaching young children If you are a parent , young leader or aspiring coach wanting to help out with junior coaching sessions in clubs or schools , then we have a number of development opportunities to help give you the support , knowledge and confidence in your role and to help you deliver fun and engaging sessions .
Introduction to Hockey Coaching Workshop
Engaging Games For Children Workshop
Hockey Hub
Integrating Goalkeepers Workshop
Coaching For Club Players Workshop
I lead coaching sessions with children Are you delivering independent junior coaching sessions in clubs or schools ?
Sessional Coach Course
Engaging Games For Children Workshop
Practice Design Workshop Coaching Conversations In Possession Workshop I lead coaching programmes with children Are you the lead coach and so also involved in the planning of sessions over a season or term and / or the development of other coaches ?
Coach Course
Engaging Games For Children Workshop
Out of Possession Workshop
Goalscoring Workshop Goalkeeping Workshop
Integrating Goalkeepers Workshop
Coaching For Club Players Workshop
What other support can I access to support my coaching ?
Any coach working with players under 18-years-old needs to ensure they have a current and maintained DBS check / PVG scheme membership and an appropriate Safeguarding certificate .
It is also important that all coaches leading sessions also have relevant insurance and First Aid certificates or access to a first-aider at the session .