Our purpose is to
help transform lives
through coaching.
We don’t mind whether you
call yourself a coach, activator,
facilitator, instructor, leader,
teacher or trainer. Whatever the
label, the end result is always
the same: By coaching, you are
inspiring others and making a
positive difference.
We’ll help transform lives by
providing expert support and
guidance for the sector, to ensure
that great coaching is delivered
to all who want it.
Case study
Coaching impacts on
people’s physical and mental
Jack Edgar
well-being, as well as their
personal, social and economic
development. It has huge
benefits for the coach and the participant.
Sport For Confidence – an organisation based in
Essex – uses coaching through the medium of sport to
significantly benefit the lives of people with mental
illness, and physical and learning disabilities.
Jack Edgar is the head coach. Jack’s personal coaching
journey started in football but has changed a great deal
since working with the organisation. He explains that
this type of coaching changed him a lot as a person:
“I’ve adapted as a person and as a coach; [it’s] just
changed the way I thought about coaching, myself and
my role in general.”
Founder of Sport For Confidence Lyndsey Barrett
“[Jack] is now so confident in working with a variety
of ages, with a variety of impairments, and people
want to come to the session and talk about him and
how he’s actually helping to change their lives.”