90883_1 Coaching Summit Programme March 2014 | Page 10

Seminars Seminar 3: Learning at the Heart of Coaching – Building a Culture of Self-improvement One Step at a Time Speakers: Tony Faulkner (Provelop Consultancy), Andy Grant and Kurt Lindley (sports coach UK) A culture can be defined as ‘the way we do things around here’. Creating a new culture within a sports team or an organisation can take a long time and requires considerable resource. When we are attempting to develop a culture for a whole sector such as sports coaching, it can be daunting, and we don’t know where to start. This session has a focus on generating solutions that answer the question: how can we go about creating a culture of self-improvement in sports coaching? We explore a solution based on the Compound Effect and look at different concepts for our inspiration to generate new solutions that can be used in sport. The Compound Effect involves individuals taking many small, practical actions over an extended period of time that will lead to long-term changes in behaviour. When all the individual’s actions are added together, we have started to create a real change in the culture of sports coaching: a culture of self-improvement. The session will examine the role of learning in coaching, including the coach as a learner, as well as the coach creating a culture of learning. Being solution-focused, the session will set the presenters and you, the delegates, a challenge: to generate 101 practical actions that can be implemented to put learning at the heart of coaching. To generate these actions, the presenters will highlight concepts that look at the implications for the individual coach through to the wider organisation. Andy will introduce the Compound Effect and look at how the concept can help create a culture of self-improvement in sports coaching. Tony will look at the importance of the modern coach having a ‘learning mindset’. He will outline the changes in the sports performer over the last 20 years and highlight that the modern coach needs to have the ability and willingness to learn to keep pace. Kurt will take a wider look at ‘learning at the heart of coaching’ and explore the field of organisational management. He will outline the concept of the ‘learning organisation’ and challenge you to generate practical solutions for your coaching workforce. You should enter the session with a ‘learning mindset’, ready to collaborate and generate solutions. You should leave the session informed on ways of putting learning at the heart of coaching, creating a culture of self-improvement in your own sport, feeling empowered to get organisational buy-in and inspired to become a self-improvement champion.