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Thousands March in Tokyo against nuclear power

On the eve of the second anniversary of the accident at Fukushima, the Japanese continue to ask the government to waive this energy

Thousands have taken to the streets of Tokyo to ask the Japanese government to abandon nuclear energy within hours of the second anniversary of the crisis at the Fukushima plant by the earthquake and tsunami that devastated the east coast of Japan March 11, 2011.

"It is increasingly important that we protest," said one of the protesters who gathered outside the Ministry of Economy. "I do this for my children, we can not leave behind this disaster of nuclear energy," he added.

The protesters, shouting 'Protecting our children, let's stop nuclear power', ask not to forget the crisis of the plant, forcing more than 160,000 people to flee their homes and around which, to date today, maintaining a security perimeter of 30 kilometers wide. "The people and the media are starting to forget about Fukushima and what happened there," said the protester.

The plant operator, the Tokyo Electronic Power Co. (TEPCO) has decades of work ahead cleaning to remove radiation expelled into the environment in the days after the earthquake. They are currently in operation only two of the 50 nuclear reactors in the country to ensure a minimum of energy supply in case of outages during the summer.

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