Know that in this hour the adversary pulls out his biggest guns of opposition. This is the hour that the adversary attempts to plant the seed of disobedience for your mind is at rest and is unable to distinquish between the voice of God or the suggestion of the adversary. This is the hour the adversary attempts to slip in the area that is not being watched, that area that has been challenging , and the area that you have been confused about. This is the hour that the adversary trys to catch you off guard by planting weapons of mass destruction while you are not aware and hope you accept them when you awake as the tools given by God to assist you on your journey.
It is amazing how actually laying down to rest your body can be so very vulnerable to the vessel and in this hour this is where the whole armor of God is truly tested. For in this hour is where many entertain the suggestion of the adversary because in this hour most times there is a lack of physical encouragement, mental stimulation , and spiritual upliftment. In this hour the vessel which is us appears like it has been left alone in the pasture for the wolves to attack but know in this hour this is where the unlimited power of the MOST HIGH shines the brightest.
This is the hour that being girted[wrapped up] in the truth protects your mind from the suggestion of the adversary to do something different than instructed or attempt to do things on your own. This is the hour that the breastplate of righteousness protects your heart from the lust of the flesh so that you do not accept it as a desire of God. This is the hour that having your feet shod[grounded or protected] with the parparation[foundation] of the gospel[testament of Jesus] breaks every stronghold and remove every barrier to keep you from seeing spiritually. This is the hour that the shield of faith[confidence in God] will protect you from the every deceitful gesture, every unkind word, and every obstacle placed before you
The stand against evil forces