8 Watches of Prayer The Changing Of The Hours | Page 5



that you conquer as well as divide like Josuha did while God had him gaining territories for Israel.

Know in this hour every spoken word that proceed out your mouth in the name of Jesus shall manifest on the land, that it is written I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven according to Matthew 16:19.

In this hour taking dominion is required so you can show the adversary that you have confidence in the God you love and are willing to walk the path put before you in boldness and without doubt. In this hour you will step out on faith like Peter did experiencing the unlimited power of the MOST HIGH and witnessing the dominion given to Christ that reside within you.

In this hour you will understand the phrase of Habakkuk when he said accordiing to Habakkuk 2:1 I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved[correct kindly].

For what is shrared in this our with you is for an appointed time you must take possesion of it so when it manifest your name will already be written on it as owner.

Know in this hour it is important for you to take dominion over what God is giving you and has given you for in the hours to come the adversary will attempt to slip that which is given away from you.

Consider when you close your door to your physical home locking the door as well as the windows; you at that moment have taken a stand against all thieves. So why think the same procedure is not required mentally as well as spiritually.

In this hour you will lock the door to your mind closing off any access and spiritually step into the realm the adversary is not allowed. In this hour you will elevate to the upper room being allowed to bear witness to the playbook of the MOST HIGH and in place to witness the unlimited power that heaven, the land, along with hell answer to.

Be confident in this hour that every opposition, every stronghold, every challenge, as well as every trick of the adversary has no power because you have taken dominion in this hour in Jesus name.

In this hour walk in the authority you have been given yesterday , so it will assist you to stand today, and experience the unlimted power of God tomorrow.