7 Things to Know about Periodontal Disease 7 Things You Should Know Periodontal Disease-Gum D | Page 3
7 Things to Know About
Periodontal Disease
3) Periodontal disease starts from gum but can increase the risk of clogged arteries
which leads to heart diseases. Periodontal disease can affect your current health
condition and worsen symptoms of diabetes, respiratory infections, strokes and
lead to low weight premature babies for pregnant mothers.
4) Periodontal disease is a form of dental plaque which is basically the formation of
sticky substances on your teeth, post meal. That’s why it is advised to brush twice a
day, floss your teeth and visit a dental professional for teeth cleaning.
5) Patients should avoid smoking and tobacco intake as it increases the formation
of tar on teeth, on which bacteria multiply. Quitting smoking plays a significant
role in reversing the adverse effects of periodontal disease.