7 Places You Should Visit In Hong Kong Nov, 2013 | Page 10

Murray House


Murray House - Stanley

Murray House is a restored Victoria-era building (1844) that was named after Sir George Murray (1772-1846), a British soldier and politician. Architectural design was done by Major Aldrich and Lieutenant Collinson of the Royal Engineers, who actually did the construction.

In 1982 it was dismantled to make way for the Bank of China Tower, which now sits on the original site. It was finally reassembled in its present location in Stanley behind the end of Stanley Main Street, on the right-hand side of the bay during the years 1998/1999. The Victoria-era building served originally as barracks for the British military and was part of the Victoria Barracks up until the 1960s.

Murray House was one of the oldest surviving public buildings in Hong Kong. Similar to many of its contemporaries from the early colonial era, it was designed in Classical architecture style. The heavy stone walls are located on the ground floor to give sense of stability while the lighter Doric and Ionic columns are placed on the floors above to allow better ventilation. All floors have verandas on all sides in response o the local subtropical climate