7 Lucky Features Of The Body Wraps | Page 4

5. Provide results in as little as 45 minutes. If you are a first time user, it is recommended that you follow the 45 minute rule to make sure that there will be no skin reaction on your part. But if you are not, you can even sleep with wrap. The longer the wrap is on, the better is the result. 6. Progressive results over 72 hours. You can use the body wrap once in 72 hours until you achieve your desired results. Then, once a month for maintenance. 7. It is made with active and natural ingredients. The body wrap contains powerful and active agents like green tea extract, ivy leaf extract, bladderwrack, butcher's broom, guarana seed extract, horse chestnut, and many other ingredients that contain anti-inflammatory, anti aging and protective agents. The effectiveness of the body wrap can be seen through many videos uploaded in video sharing sites as well as images and testimonials of the users shared through different social media sites. It can make you look good without spending a lot to an expensive plastic surgery.