6th Grade Social Studies March 2014 Vol 1 | Page 14

Gold In The Globe -Kristina Gerdt Did you know that Egyptians use a lot of gold for their daily life? Egyptians use papyrus for their writing hieroglyphs. They would trade papyrus with Nubia, a region next to Egypt. Egyptians acquire gold from trade using natural resources. The Egyptians made jewelry from gold for trading. Egyptians used their gold for trading for goods. Egypt made golden rings so they could trade with Nubia. They decorated sandals, clothing, and drinking pots with gold. Many items they traded was very valuable. According to Life in Ancient Egypt written by Paul Challen states "...objects crafted from gold, as well as papyrus for writing..." Egyptians used many jewels for their trade. Gold, gems, turquoise, carnelian, and amethyst were jewels for trade. All of this was use for different ancient items in Egypt. As stated in Life in Ancient Egypt "Gold and gems such as turquoise, carnelian, and amethyst was used for trade." Egyptians used their gold for jewelry. Pharaoh, priest, vizier, and higher in the social pyramid use the finest gold. When a pharaoh died their tomb would be covered with gold. According to Egyptorium editor David John states "...royals use the finest gold for jewelry..." They had golden earrings to trade and wear. Egyptians had golden rings for example, the steatite gold ring. Some women would wear a collar with three rows of gold. Stated in Ancient Egyptians "...gold rings are brought from Egypt to Nubia." Egyptians got their gold from natural resources. Egyptians found most of their gold from mines between the Nile to the Red Sea. Egyptians brought the gold back to Egypt to trade or make jewelry. According to Egyptorium states "...used emeralds and turquoise near the Red Sea." Egyptians found gold, copper, and amethyst from the desert of Nubia. Nubia is located along the Nile and southern Egypt. Egyptians also got their gold in a gold rich region in Nubia. Stated in the Egyptorium "...in the gold rich region of Nubia." Egyptians craftsmen made jewelry for their trading. Egyptians used gold for trading using common goods. They created jewelry for exchanging their golden goods. Warren Buffet says on taking risk " Never test the depth of the river with both feet." This quote tells us that when coming to trade and making jewelry take it slow and steady.