56º North November 2017 | Page 13

road users out there, some of whom can barely handle a vehicle on a good day. Find somewhere warm to stop, pull over and wait it out watching the four-wheeled carnage passing by. It’s also a great time to catch up on all your motorcycle magazines! J

Like most rides there can be a temptation to speed up towards the end. During the winter you should plan to stop more often to rehydrate and warm up. Towards the end of the ride don’t skip these stops. You’ll be tired and less attentive. This is when accidents can occur.

When you do stop make sure you eat well. Drinking alcohol and coffee should also be avoided because both increase the blood flow to the skin which may make you feel warmer but actually cause you to loose body heat and you don’t need any additional impairment to your senses on top of that caused by the cold. #RIDESAFE

Photo: Chris Birch

Stay Warm, Drink Well, Eat Well and above all #RideSafe