56 AST July 2021 | Page 65

( Virtual Guarding is a new , remote guarding service that combines in-person security guards paired with advanced video analytics to help better protect your property .)
ter events such as theft , tres- passing , or civil unrest before it escalates .
www . AmericanSecurityToday . com July 2021 - Edition 56

Virtual Guarding : The Force Multiplier Allowing Agencies to Guard More and Spend Less

Virtual Guarding saw a unique opportunity to utilize existing core competencies

and shift security from a re- active to a proactive protocol , which deters crime at a frac- tion of the cost of traditional guarding .

Virtual Guarding provides a modern physical security platform by integrating video surveillance , access con- trol , and sensor technology

https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = naD4IsaB-KY

( Virtual Guarding is a new , remote guarding service that combines in-person security guards paired with advanced video analytics to help better protect your property .)