56 AST July 2021 | Page 9

eter protection , like AMA- ROK ’ s FORTIFEYE security solution — the World ’ s First Integrated Electric Fence , Video , and Monitoring System — that is integrated and engineered to deter theft , detect activity , and detain criminals .

www . AmericanSecurityToday . com July 2021 - Edition 56

AMAROK helps their customers deter and prevent crime from happening in three ways : a shock deterrent , a physical deterrent , and an alarm deterrent .

FORTIFEYE starts with The Electric Guard Dog™ , a 10-foot-high , solar-powered electrified fence , placed just inside your perimeter fence .

The Electric Guard Dog delivers a 7,000-volt jolt to anyone foolish enough to make contact .

Contact with the fence also triggers ultra-bright LED lights , blaring alarms , and cameras that immediately focus on the area where the attempt to breach is located .

You can monitor and verify activity on your site using AMAROK ’ s mobile app or let us handle the remote monitoring and reporting for you .