56 AST July 2021 | Page 35

Affinity Models data filters ( BAMs ), which have innovat- ed a new and unprecedented way to solve these obstacles .

www . AmericanSecurityToday . com July 2021 - Edition 56

Keywords are run through open-source intelligence ( OS-INT ) and filtered by BAMs , which are created through sub- ject matter expertise and le- veraging supervised machine learning .

Each BAM is a collection of se- lectors terms , phrases , and expressions that are representa- tive of a specific area of risk or interest . risk and satisfy the require- ments for big data due dili- gence .

Searches provide near-instant results , delivering meaning- ful , actionable intelligence to identify and prevent risk .

In the Radiance platform , we ve develop a unique tech- nology that searches the open internet deeply and compre- hensively ,” said Chief Data Scientist and Co-Founder Dr . Morten Middelfart .

Names can likewise be entered into Radi- ance to be correlated with content related to 25 different risk factors

( BAMs ), to identify potential

Dr . Morten Middelfart , Lumina Co-Founder and Chief Data Scientist