Apple or Google?
Tablet is
right for
Choosing the Best Tablet
B Y R obert N a z ar i an
If you’re in the market for a tablet, you might be a little frustrated, trying to figure out which one is the best for you.
Step 1: Choose Tablet Size
The first thing to determine is what size you want.
Tablets range from 7-inches to 10.1-inches. When
tablets first came out, the norm was 10-inches, but
smaller tablets have grown in popularity quite a
bit. Smaller tablets are lighter and easier to hold for
extended periods of time. However, seniors may find
larger screens easier to view and larger tablets may
be easier for those with arthritis easier to handle.
Before you purchase any tablet, you should go to the
store and hold them to see what fits you the best.
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Step 2: Tablet OS
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