55+ Living Guide Spring/Summer 2017 55++LG+Spring+17+Spreads | Page 38
5 WAYS to
Your IRA
Wealth in
By Jane-Marie Schaeffer
Senior Attorney, Herzog Law Firm
HerzogLaw.com | (518) 465-7581
retirement approaches, those with IRAs will be
faced with many choices about their plan. Those
choices lead to typical questions that our clients will run
into such as: When am I required to take a distribution
from the plan? How much money is required to be distrib-
uted? How will those distributions be taxed? This article
will address some of those questions, and give you the
information you need to make smart choices about your
retirement plan.
38 55PlusLivingGuide.com
70 27.4
71 26.5
72 25.6
73 24.7
74 23.8
75 22.9
76 22.0
77 21.2
78 20.3
79 19.5
80 18.7