55+ Living Guide Spring/Summer 2017 55++LG+Spring+17+Spreads | Page 13
museum housing many works and studio of one of the
most famous residents Norman Rockwell. He lived and
worked for many years there, including local sites in his
paintings and using local residents in his famous illustra-
tions for the Saturday Evening Post magazine covers.
The Norman Rockwell Museum is a fabulous repository
of many the artist’s famous works and is open daily year
round. It is a favorite site for tour groups and also presents
programs of interest. Rockwell’s most famous paintings,
“The Four Freedoms” are on display in the museum, and
are always worth pondering.
The sites that I have highlighted are only a few of the
places to visit and explore in the area—and I will definitely
return to the Fabulous Berkshires again! Happy Traveling!
Norman Rockwell’s
Art Studio
Stockbridge, MA
Freedom of Speech
The Clark: clarkart.edu
By Norman
Visit any of
the websites
The Four Freedoms is
a series of four 1943
oil paintings by
listed here
for more
MA Museum of Contemporary Art: massmoca.org
Crane Museum: facebook.com/cranemuseum
The Mount: edithwharton.org
Jacob’s Pillow Dance: jacobspillow.org
American artist Tanglewood: tanglewood.org
Norman Rockwell. Norman Rockwell Museum: nrm.org
The paintings are
Freedom of Speech,
Freedom of Worship,
Freedom from Want,
and Freedom from Fear.
b o sto n sympho ny o rch estra
ju n e 17 – s e pte mbe r 3
Lenox is probably best known as the home of Tangle-
wood, the iconic summer home of the Boston Symphony
Orchestra. The very mention of the named Tanglewood
evokes magical memories of outstanding musical moments.
Ironically the idea of outstanding music being presented
in the Berkshire setting came about when some summer
residents invited members of the New York Philharmonic
to perform an outdoor concert in August 1934. This was so
successful it was repeated in 1935 and 1936 and ultimately a
local family estate was offered as a gift to Koussevitzky and
the Boston Symphony as a summer home. The first concert,
an a ll Beethoven program was held in 1937 with the orches-
tra housed in a tent and the audience spilling out onto the
lawn. Thus Tanglewood as we know it was born and as the
saying goes, “the rest is musical history!”
This year the Tanglewood organization has announced a
$30 million dollar expansion of facilities and educational
opportunities and thus the legendary institution goes on.
Continuing south of Lenox we come to Stockbridge, a
year round village with many places of interest including
the Red Lion Inn with fine food and lodgings and the
Enjoy classical music with Andris Nelsons
and the Boston Symphony Orchestra, joined
by world-renowned guest artists, along with
concerts featuring the Boston Pops, popular
artists, and more, at the idyllic summer home
of the BSO.
Tickets on sale now!
888-266-1200 • tanglewood.org