5 Of The Biggest Weight Loss Myths Busted December 2014 | Page 6
Myth 4:
If you want to lose weight you need to completely do away with chocolate, ice cream, and pizza.
You are right in thinking that these foods – along with others such as soft drinks, lollies and alcohol
are not highly nutritious and should not be included every day in our diets. In saying this, often the
idea of deprivation or ‘suffering’ with short-term or fad diets is what leads them to being
unsuccessful as, in the end, avoiding all the foods we love is not a realistic or sustainable way of
Often when we deprive ourselves of something – especially something we enjoy – we will be
thinking about it and even craving it more. Eating your favourite foods or foods you enjoy and find
pleasurable should be part of a healthy, sustainable, balanced, long-term eating plan.
There are no foods that absolutely cannot be incorporated into a healthy eating pattern – it is
important to modify how often and how much of these treat foods you eat – however there is no
foods that you must completely avoid in order to achieve your weight loss goals.
Key Action Areas
Remember there is no such thing as ‘Good Food’ or ‘Bad Food’, just as there is no such thing
as ‘Allowed Foods’ or ‘Forbidden Foods’. Try to think of food as just food – avoid classifying
food with these positive or negative labels.
ALL foods can be included in a healthy meal plan, even when you are trying to lose weight –
just remember moderation is the key – enjoy the foods you love but don’t overindulge