5. Have a One-Time Pad Chat | Page 2

rDon ’ tmakeittootricky ! Itcanbehard todecodeamessage , evenwhenyouhave everythingwritenoutinfrontofyou . When youincludethecodedmessageinyour recording , makesureitisslowandclearto understand ( butnottooobvious !).
Phase 2 : Record your message
Usingyourone-timepad , writeyoursecretsentenceoutwith whateveryouchosetoreplaceeachleter . Ifyouchosenumbers , ‘ Lookoutforangrypenguins ’ mightendupturninginto somethinglike : 7-80-80-580-24-66636-80-1910-130-117-19-25 123-9-130-117-24-21-30-18 , Whenyoursecretsentenceistranslatedintocode , you ’ lneedto recordit ! one-timepadmesagesaretraditionalyhiddeninradio broadcasts ( liketheonesyoulearntaboutinournumberstations article ), soyoucouldpretendtobehostingaradioshow . Switch onasong , thensneakilyreadthecodeout , sopeoplethinkit ’ sjust partofthemusic !
Or , maybeyoucouldtelastory , andifyourcodeismadeupof animalnoises , youcouldworkoutwaysofslippingthoseanimal noisesintothestory . Whenthenoises , numbersorwhateverelse youchosearetranslatedinorder , yoursecretsentencewilbe revealed !
Itmightbeusefultowritedownascriptonaseparatepieceof paperbeforeyourecord . Ifyoudon ’ thavearecordingapp , trya webcam orvideocamera .


rDon ’ tmakeittootricky ! Itcanbehard todecodeamessage , evenwhenyouhave everythingwritenoutinfrontofyou . When youincludethecodedmessageinyour recording , makesureitisslowandclearto understand ( butnottooobvious !).

Ifyou ’ ve enjoyedthis activity , folow thiscodeto �ndoutabout subscribingto AQUILAtoday !
Phase 3 : Share your code
Whenyourcodeisready , sliptheone-timepadsheettothe personyouwanttosharethesecretsentencewith . Youcaneither playtherecordingtothem or , ifyouhaveagrownupon-hand , youcansendittothem online !
We ’ dlovetohearyourrecording ? Sendittotheaddresson theReaders ’ PageoftheAQUILAwebsite , andwe ’ lshareas manyaswecan .
© AQUILAmagazine . WritenbyLiam R . Findlay Page 2 of 2