M IS TA KE # 2 THE AUDIENCE WALK AWAY WITH NO USABLE INFORMATION ? ? ? ? ? ? This is one of the biggest complaints my clients have voiced to me about previous speakers. The speaker simply fails to convey the message in a way the audience can relate to and use. It really doesn’t matter how great the story is, if it doesn’t convey the message in a usable fashion then it has been totally pointless. When it comes to the first group, their personal story is their motivational tool. So when looking to enlist the services of a personality speaker ensuring their personal journey or story fits your brief is the key. You need to be able to identify how their story can tie in with your message, as this is ultimately how they will convey it. So how do you ensure the message the keynote delivers is one that will inspire your audience and guarantees they walk away with the correct message? With professional motivational speakers it is different; they are far more flexible when it comes to their story so find it far easier to convey a specific message. That being said, they don’t have the fame and impact a personality has. So their performance is what you should be evaluating-how well they can tell a story and how genuine they are. First step is realising that keynote speakers often fit one of two types. The personality speaker, who is someone famous or a leader in a specific field, or the professional motivator whose primary focus, and qualifications, revolve around inspiring and motivating others P E RS O N A L I T Y S P EA K ER PROF ESSION AL MOTIVATOR Preparation is another key aspect of ensuring the audience walk away with the right message. Factor in time way before the event to speak about the message you want delivering and the key take home messages. Then in the hour before the event, take the time to go through the key points with your chosen speaker, reinforcing what you hope to get across.