4Youth Magazine Sep.2013 | Page 14

Why we exist ?

4Youth Magazine in an online platform where we provide online services for youth, the idea is to become the number one reference for our targets in Jordan through providing a number of useful and entertaining services. Useful, by maintaining the sections :Courses & Events, and Entrepreneurship Support. We cover upcoming events, either taking place within university campuses, off campus events, and courses that might be of interest for our target audience. Entrepreneurship support is all about providing online and social media marketing for young entrepreneurs, helping them deliver their messages, and to be heard on a larger scale.

Our entertaining services comes straight out from our Editing Department, where we write articles our university students can relate to, by speaking the language of youth, and tackling subjects that are of interest to them. We also film short videos for each article, making our articles more visual, entertaining and interactive.

We are aiming to become the number one reference for youth in Jordan, but to become so, we’ll be covering the interests of youth, by providing more future services, such as helping them to find part-time jobs, an online garage sale to make it easy for our targets to sell gadgets, books, or anything else and help them make money out of it. All of these future services and more are on a scheduled timeline, where we’ll be adding them to our online magazine one by one.