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may have something else in mind. One day I told Halle'
"What happens when a vicarious group of Christian believers meet an I.T. Professional thats lost in his walk?"
“Man I dont know what it is but this is the first time I've ever had fun building a site and the ideas just seem to flow without effort” Halle's response, “Glory to God!” It's funny how things turn out... I would have never imagine being affected by people that I have never met face to face. To be 100% transparent, about 2 weeks ago I took my entire family to church for the first time in years and actually was grateful to attend service.
I do not know the plans of God and I surely do not know what the future hold but one thing I
can say is that this group of peculiar people are truly children of God and I know if they are are a blessing to me, they will truly be a blessing to the world.
"So what's next for the developement of 4 Walls Down?" you ask. Well not to spoil any suprises but after the launch of the 4WD website, we will be working on a moble app, online music and video broadcast, free ringtone downloads and much more....
I can only pray that I am a blessing to the 4 Walls Down Crew as they have been to me.... So what happens when a vicarious group of young Christian believers meet an I.T. professional who is lost in his walk? Answer: and restoration of a lost family back to Jesus
Now Availible 4
When I Die
Dead Men Don't Sin