4th quarter newsletter | Page 6

Annual PEARL OPEN HOUSE PEARL Open House Recap Partnerships Formed at Open House Event On June 12, 2015, more than 200 people gathered at Morgan’s PEARL, the Patuxent Environmental & Aquatic Research Laboratory, for an Annual Open House. Morgan State officials signed a memorandum of understanding with the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division to provide students access to research and the possibility for internships. Admiral Dean Peters signed the MOU and said during this tour of the PEARL facility, that he was “incredibly impressed.” Dr. Timothy Akers, Assistant Vice President-MSU Research Innovation and Advocacy introduced Darryl Britt, Founder and President of APPRIO Inc, who sponsored the event. APPRIO presented a check for $15,000 to MSU. Vice president Frederick presented MSU with the Dominion Foundation Environmental Stewardship Award for $50,000. That money will continue the research and monitoring of the Chesapeake Bay, especially the blue crabs. A letter of intent was signed with the New York Academy of Sciences and Dr. Victor McCrary, Vice President MSU Research and Economic Development and T C Westcott, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. Politicians and community leaders in attendance included Delegate Deborah Rey (R-St. Mary’s), Delegate Anthony J. O'Donnell (R-Calvert, St. Mary’s) and Mike Frederick, vice president of LNG Operations for Dominion. Information provided by: Calvert Beacon, PEARL Holds Open House by Margit Miller & GazetteNet, Partnership formed at PEARL open house, By Sarah Fleischman . 6