4guys Sept 2016 issue #1 | Page 36

Meet the Male Escort Who Makes $7,000 a Night SEX & RELATIONSHIPS L ondon is home to many of the priciest things in the world. There’s a parking space that sold for $670,000, a bottle of champagne for $200,000, the $235 million apartment, and if you really feel like it, you can drop $50 for a sofa seat at a movie theater. There’s also Josh Brandon, one of the most expensive escorts around. Reports peg his annual earnings at $500,000. Just a single night with him can cost almost $7,000, or almost twice the average monthly salary of a JOSH BRANDON person in the UK. Josh has been causing a stir in the sex-work industry lately for his push to legitimize the oldest profession in the world. It’s time to stop stigmatizing sex workers, he argues, and start treating them as the productive members of society they are. I spoke with him to find out more and, in the process, discovered he’s busy building himself an empire. OK, so let’s get this out of the way. It’s been reported you clear $500,000 a year being an escort. Is that true? You went there already! Well, my end of year return is due soon, and I don’t fancy filing it early. Let’s say I’m not going to pop up on the Forbes rich list anytime soon, but I’m not going broke anytime soon either. How do you earn so much? Are you doing something other escorts aren’t? It’s easier to make a lot of money if you love what you do. I think anyone who enjoys their job is going to make more than those who think, Damn, I gotta work again. Plus, it’s about being creative. I have VIP cards—kind of like Starbucks. So it’s just being creative and using regular good business practices, and the money follows from that. Where do you draw the line with extreme requests from clients? Or is it just a case of, “That’ll cost you another grand”? Things like bodily fluids and bondage on the receiving end are a no-no. Being in control is very important. Anything unsafe is off the menu, regardless of price. 36 You prefer the term “escort” to “sex worker.” You also think the term “prostitution” is outdated. Why? “Prostitution” is so last century. The business has changed since the advent of the internet. The term “escort” covers more areas. For example, sex happens, but sex doesn’t always happen. I have disabled clients who can only cuddle or chat; I have clients who want companionship in non-sexual ways. And a lot of escorts now are true entrepreneurs. If someone disagrees with that, I would say, “Why? This is a capitalist country after all. Everything is OK to sell except for sex and companionship? That’s just bizarre.” Do you feel society stigmatizes you, as a male escort, less than it does your female counterparts? Oh, trust me, I still take flak— and occasional death threats. But it’s much easier for males in my line of work. But among the bisexual guys I’ve dated, many have said they would never date a woman who did what I do, yet they’ll date me. When they explain, it comes to down to general sexism. Where I’m from, in America, there are a lot of Christian fundamentalists who would label you “bizarre” for being an escort. What would you say to the people who make those kinds of moral judgments about you? I am very spiritual, believe it or not. But I don’t buy the dogma. I keep it simple. The universe has laws. It’s always expanding, growing; everything is in a constant state of change. It must love all things equally if it created everything and creation is done out of love. I don’t think you can create from hate. 4GUYS.CA