4624 (County of Oxford) Sqn | Page 6

What ’ s it like ?
Insight from a Squadron member
I was welcomed with open arms , quickly integrating into a group of people with many different skills , stories and experiences . All of us had the same desire to join the RAF and become skilled movers . Within months we were on live aircraft watching qualified staff load and unload cargo and passengers , knowing that within a year we would be doing the same . I have now been on the Squadron for nearly 2 years . I have joined an amazing group of individuals who are passionate about the job and together we make a great team . We challenge each other ’ s knowledge and experience to become skilled in our trade . Recently , I completed the Dangerous Goods qualification that transfers into a civilian qualification . We have also completed a team building , communication exercise where we learnt how to work better as a team whilst learning about our strengths and
weaknesses which we can develop to enhance the team . My civilian employer regularly mentions how much I have developed in my profession as a result of my RAF training and has suggested I apply for a position higher up in the company .