4624 (County of Oxford) Sqn | Page 4

Take off around the world
Squadron Life – Comments from a Squadron member
“ I needed a new challenge and opportunities once my children had become independent . Joining 4624 Squadron has enabled me to do just that . Since joining the Squadron I have since completed 2 deployments overseas and undertaken numerous tasks which support British forces . This has taken me all over the world where I have met fantastic people ; I ’ m constantly learning new skills .
I have done things way beyond what I thought I was capable of – weapon handling , driving skills , vehicle marshalling – and I have also maintained my fitness ! I have been made to feel part of a tight-knit team , meeting people of all age groups and backgrounds . As a mature recruit I have been able to bring my life skills and civilian experiences to the Squadron . Equally , my new skills benefit my civilian employer in many ways and I am proud of my contribution to the defence of our country . I share my experiences with friends and family and they can ’ t believe what I have achieved .”