45179_towardssaferschoolconstruction_0 2015 | Page 61

Key considerations for site selection Comparing potential sites can help stakeholders select the safest school sites available. This comparison should assess natural hazard risks but also site characteristics that could threaten students’ wellbeing or their capacity to learn. Possible questions may include: TRANSITORY COMMUNITY? In nomadic communities, is the site a recognised site that they return to year after year? Is it likely to remain accessible to them in the future? Transitory community: In nomadic communities, is the site a recognised site that they return to year after year? Is it likely to remain accessible to them in the future? EQUITABLE ACCESS? Community Usage? Where conflict exists, will the site promote equitable access to all groups within a catchment area? Is the site too close to special use sites such as burial grounds or areas considered sacred or supernatural? Is the site near dangerous industrial activity? Is it near refuse heaps or other toxic waste sites that may expand or have acc idents that would put students at risk? Equitable access: Where conflict exists, will the site promote equitable access to all groups within a catchment area? LAND TENURE? Can formal lease agreements or land tenure be secured for the proposed site? If not, does the community and other stakeholders agree to preserve the site for use as a school? Unobstructured Site? Does the site require expensive clearing, levelling, or compaction that will add to cost and construction time? Unobstructed site: Does the site require expensive clearing, levelling or compaction that will add to cost and construction time? SECTION III: PLANNING LA PE ND RM IT Land tenure: Can formal lease agreements or land tenure be secured for the proposed site? If not, does the community and other stakeholders agree to preserve the site for use as a school? Site Accessibility? Will construction vehicles, equipment, and workers be able to easily access the site? Will owners of land over which they cross give permission? Is the access route free of obstructions or poor soils that could trap heavy construction vehicles? Site accessibility: Can construction vehicles, equipment and workers easily access the site? Will landowners give permission for these people to cross their land? Is the access route free of obstructions or poor soils that could trap heavy construction vehicles? Community Usage? Is the site too close to special use sites such as burial grounds or areas considered sacred or supernatural? Is the site near dangerous industrial activity? Is it near refuse heaps or other toxic waste sites that may expand or have accidents that would put students at risk? RIP RIP Community usage: Is the site too close to special-use sites such as burial grounds or areas considered sacred or supernatural? Is the site near dangerous industrial activity? Is it near rubbish heaps or other toxic waste sites that may expand or have accidents that would put students at risk? Further guidance on site selection in areas exposed to earthquake, flood, high wind, and landslide hazards can be found in Technical Principles of Building for Safety, listed in the references at end of this manual and purchasable online. 52