40 Fascinating Facts About Saint Lucia | Page 48

Feeding the Jacquot © St. Lucia Forestry Department http://forestryeeunit.blogspot.com / JACQUOT IS FOUND ONLY IN SAINT LUCIA 31 Although there are about 8,000 species of parrots around the world,  The  Amazona Versicolor, Blue-masked Amazon, the Versicolor, the St Lucia Parrot also known as Jacquot is the only parrot present on the island and is found nowhere else in the world.  danger of being extinct due to habitation and deforestation. The National Geographic says there are currently fewer than 500 parrots left in the rainforest, more than the less than 100 that existed in 1975. Although they were a protected species since 1849, Jacquot was made St Lucia’s national bird in 1979. Sources: http://wildlife.durrell.org/animals/birds/st-lucia-parrot/ https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/birds/group/parrots/ htp://datazone.birdlife.org/userfiles/file/IBAs/CaribCntryPDFs/st_lucia. pdf But these colorful little birdies are in  https://www.researchgate.net/publication/267999455_THE_STATUS_AN D_CONSERVATION_OF_SAINT_LUCIA'S_FOREST_BIRDS