40 Fascinating Facts About Saint Lucia | Page 10

5 PIGEON ISLAND WASN’T ALWAYS SO SERENE AND GREEN Surrounded by the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean, the 44 acre Pigeon Island is teeming in beauty and steeped in history. In the 17th and 19th century, Pigeon island was a key battle ground. French Pirate Francois Le Clerc known as Jambe de Bois (wooden leg) and his 330 men crew were the first Europeans to settle there. In the 18th century, British Admiral George Rodney took over Pigeon island. He once ordered all trees on Pigeon Island cut down to spy on the French in Martinique. Using local stones he built Fort Rodney atop the hill at Pigeon Island to protect him and his army from enemy and to spot approaching ships early, using massive cannons. Photos: Everything Saint Lucian (like their Facebook Page)