40 day kingdom prayer challenge 40Days02single | Página 4
Welcome to the
40 Day Kingdom
Prayer Challenge!
God is clearly at work in Singapore – weaving His people together to impact
the nation, the nations of Asia and beyond.
At the heart of this is the call for His people to seek His face for His plan and
purpose (2 Chronicles 7:14). When we do this together, God aligns us with
His plans and we see amazing things happen that only God can do.
Jesus told His disciples to expect hungry and responsive hearts everywhere
(Luke 10:2, 8). Then He sent the disciples out to find these hearts – not in the
temples or the synagogues, but in the villages and homes.
In the same way, Jesus invites us to join Him where He has placed us; in
families, housing estates, workplaces, school communities etc. He is at work
in each of these places and wants to involve us in what He is doing.
In this resource you will find preparation suggestions, information about
different segments of Singapore and testimonies from people working in the
40 day kingdom Prayer Challenge