Gustavo Andújar
President of SIGNIS
Krzysztof Kieslowski reçoit le Prix œcuménique en 1991
I am not particularly fond of anniversaries. Perhaps I should better say that I find quite
arbitrary the way anniversaries are usually celebrated, like in multiples of five. When
over the years an institution has accumulated such an impressive record of achievements
as the Ecumenical Jury at the Cannes Festival, it should be highlighted and celebrated
every year, regardless that the anniversary at hand be its second or, as it is the case now,
its fortieth.
I will leave to others the consideration of the record of the Jury during these years, in
terms of the films awarded or commended, and the exceptional service done to cinema
by awarding not only the artistic excellency of films, but also their capacity to promote
human values and to contribute to the progress of the human spirit. I prefer to
contemplate briefly what the very existence of this endeavor has meant to us, and what
it could mean to our Churches, in terms of our participation in an exercise of dialog and
understanding, of our lea ɹ