4 Week Diet Plan PDF To Lose 10 Pounds Free Download 4 Week Diet Meal Plan | Page 7

RAPID WEIGHT LOSS In all my years in the diet & fitness industry, I don’t think anyone has ever told me that they were looking for a way to lose weight slowly. In fact, most people that come to me about losing weight are looking for something that will produce results as fast as humanly possible. And I truly believe that the #1 reason that most diets fail is because they don’t produce results fast enough. Let’s face it…it’s no fun to spend hours at the gym, followed by small portions of food we can’t stand, day after day, only to see the scale drop just one pound during the week. For a diet to be successful, I truly believe that the diet must produce visible and significant results FAST. When the dieter sees real results quickly, he/she becomes more engaged. And when I can get the dieter engaged in the diet, it produces a “snowball effect” causing the results get better and better as the dieter gets leaner and leaner because of the results they are seeing on an everyday basis. On The 4 Week Diet, you WILL see real results daily. Your scale will move, your clothes will fit better, you’ll feel lighter (because you’ll actually be lighter) and you will look and feel better than you have in years. This is why The 4 Week Diet is so ultra-effective. It produces extremely fast and visible results. These fast results keep the dieter motivated. And that motivation keeps them going until they reach levels of fat loss that they have never imagined possible. Once you finish this book, you’re going to know more about how we gain and lose weight than most doctors do. And, using the methods you’ll learn in The 4 Week Diet, you’re going to be fully equipped to lose weight virtually on command. This is not another “fad” diet. This diet is based on science and it has been proven to be extremely effective for millions of people for the past several decades. This diet takes into account your own biology and hormones and how the body processes, The 4 Week Diet - Launch Handbook | 07