4 Week Diet Plan PDF To Lose 10 Pounds Free Download 4 Week Diet Meal Plan | Page 31

The problem, however, is that when blood sugar spikes and insulin is secreted, blood sugar is normalized in a matter of minutes, while insulin remains “on guard” in the bloodstream for the next couple of hours—preventing fat to be burned during that time. Understand that various cells in the body have a need for fat. However, when those cells that need fat to function properly are not getting the fat they need (because of insulin present in the bloodstream), your blood sugar drops. Low blood sugar level is what tells your brain that you’re hungry…and because you are hungry, you begin to eat again before those fatty acids can ever be burned up. When you follow up with another carbohydrate-rich meal, those fatty acids will need to be stored away because your body is going to have to secrete insulin to lower blood sugar again… and to use that blood sugar—instead of fat—for its energy for the next few hours. And this starts the vicious cycle all over again—constantly prohibiting your body from burning fat. The 4 Week Diet - Launch Handbook | 31