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Fiber is actually a carbohydrate but I felt the need to devote a specific section to fiber because of the misinformation surrounding it . In most low-carb diets , fiber carbohydrates are not counted as “ dangerous ” weight-gaining carbohydrates . This is because fiber cannot be digested by the human body . Since fiber is not digested by the body , it does not create a rapid rise in blood sugar like other carbohydrates .
But beware ! There are two schools of thoughts on fiber . While modern medicine encourages a diet high in fiber , there are other medical researchers that state too much fiber is the cause of numerous diseases and irregularities such as constipation , IBS , Chron ’ s disease , colon cancer and others . If you ’ d like to see some of the latest research on fiber and how it may be causing irreparable damage to your body , I strongly encourage you to visit www . GutSense . org .
Now , after that ’ s being said about fiber , fiber is not going to create any complications for you in normal portions . However , you should be sure to get your fiber from vegetables and salad greens rather than forcing yourself to get 30 grams per day as recommended by the mainstream medical community .
If you are concerned about constipation , some researchers believe that constipation itself is caused by too much fiber in the diet . Increasing your water intake during this diet is essential to good health , proper kidney functioning and it has remarkable effects on relieving constipation .
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